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Peer-reviewed journals

Hiekel, Nicole & Wagner, Michael (2020): Individualized relationship practices and union dissolution. Differences between marriage and cohabitation. European Sociological Review

Muller, Joanne S., Hiekel, Nicole & Liefbroer, Aart C. (2020): The long term costs of family trajectories: Women’s later life earnings across Europe. Demography (in press)

Hiekel Nicole & Vidal, Sergi (2019): Childhood family structure and complexity in partnership life courses. Social Science Research. Online first

Billari, Francesco C., Hiekel, Nicole & Liefbroer, Aart C. (2019): The social stratification of choice in the transition to adulthood. European Sociological Review 35(5): 599-615

Hiekel, Nicole & Fulda, Barbara E. (2018): Love. Break up. Repeat. The prevalence and stability of serial cohabitation among West German women and men born in the early 1970s. Demographic Research 39 (30): 855-870.

Žilinčíková, Zuzana & Hiekel, Nicole (2018): Transition from cohabitation to marriage. The role of marital attitudes in seven Western and Eastern European countries. Comparative Population Studies 43: 3-30.

Fokkema, Tineke, Kveder, Andrej, Hiekel, Nicole, Emery, Tom & Liefbroer, Aart C. (2017): Generations and Gender Programme Wave 1 data collection: An overview and assessment of sampling and fieldwork methods, weighting procedures, and cross-sectional representativeness. Demographic Research 34 (18): 499-524.


Hiekel, Nicole, Liefbroer, Aart C. & Poortman, Anne-Rigt (2015): Marriage and separation risks among German cohabiters: Differences between types of cohabiter. Population Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2015.1037334 [URL]


Hiekel, Nicole & Keizer, Renske (2015), Risk-avoidance or utmost commitment: Dutch focus group research on views on cohabitation and marriage. Demographic Research 32 (10): 311-340 [URL]


Hiekel, Nicole, Liefbroer, Aart C. &  Poortman, Anne-Rigt (2014), Understanding diversity in the meaning of cohabitation across Europe. European Journal of Population 30 (4): 391-410 [URL]


Hiekel, Nicole & Castro-Martin, Teresa (2014), Grasping the diversity of cohabitation: Fertility intentions among cohabiters across Europe. Journal of Marriage and Family 76 (3): 489-505. [URL]


Hiekel, Nicole, Liefbroer, Aart C. & Poortman, Anne-Rigt (2014), Income pooling strategies among cohabiting and married couples: A comparative perspective. Demographic Research 30 (55): 1527-1560. [URL]



Hiekel, Nicole (2014): "The different meanings of cohabitation across Europe. How cohabiters view their unions and differ in their plans and behaviors", Dissertation: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN: 978-90-6984-682-8. [URL]

Other publications

Hiekel, Nicole (2017), Book review of Cesnuitytè, Vida, Lück, Detlev and Widmer, Eric D.: Family Continuity and Change. Contemporary European Perspectives. Series: Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life: Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017, European Journal of Population 33 (4): 607-609


Hiekel, Nicole, Huinink Johannes & Peters, Timo (2014), Combining data from the Generations and Gender Surveys and the German Family Panel to conduct comparative research on couples' and family dynamics. Pairfam Working Paper 22 [URL]


Hox, Joop, Leeuw, Edith de, Kveder, Andrej, Liefbroer, Aart C., Aassve, Arnstein, Petric, Gregor, Lozar Manfreda, Katia, Kogovsek, T., Platinovsek, Rol, Klobas, Jane & Hiekel, Nicole (2010), Report on the methodological evaluation of the GGS questionnaire. Deliverable D7 for the EC-FP7 project GGP 212749. The Hague: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) , 127 p. 


Nicole in the media

Interview in ZEIT online "Mutterschaft: Ich zerreiße mich nicht gern." published July 24, 2019 [pdf]


Interview in the CNN documentary "Sex and love around the world" with Christiane Amanpour, broadcasted in April 2018 [URL]

Marriage no longer means giving up autonomy, but this may be its downfall. Research Gate featured my project on individualized marriages in their science newsletter. 

Samenwonenden krijgen steeds vaker een kind, Interview with Reformatorisch Dagblad, May 7, 2014, published on the front page of this daily newspaper [URL]


Versatile designs of life. Fertiliy intentions among cohabiters in Europe. Feature of my JMF article with Castro-Martín in Pop Digest (Population Europe), August 14, 2014 [URL] 


Grasping the diversity of unmarried cohabitation: Fertility intentions among cohabiters across Europe, invited contribution to (University of Oxford) [URL] 


Hiekel, Nicole (2014), Ongehuwd samenwonen in Europa, DEMOS Bulletin over bevolking en samenleving, 30(8) [URL] 

© 2019 by Nicole Hiekel

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